The Everly Municipal Utilities are proud to serve our residents. Services that the Municipal utility offer includes: Natural Gas, Water, Sewer, and Garbage.
Click here to see the rates for services.
Utility Rebate Program
Everly Municipal Utilities offers rebates on new gas furnaces, new gas water heaters, and insulation. Each piece of equipment must meet specific energy efficiency requirements. Click here for the Appliance Rebate Form, and Building Shell Insulation Form.
All residents may receive water heater insulation blankets, water pipe insulation, and low-flow shower heads at no charge! Stop into City Hall and pick yours up today.
Iowa One Call
Iowa law requires that any person, homeowner, professional, public or private entity, planning to engage in any form of excavation within the state of Iowa, must notify the Iowa One Call notification system, at 800-292-8989 or 811, at least 48 hours before excavating.
The Iowa One Call notification system is a free call and service to all persons planning an excavation within the state of Iowa. The required 48 hours advance notice does not include Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays.
Examples of excavation include but are not limited to planting/removing trees, digging holes, posts, footings, etc.
Other Helpful Customer Links
Customer Rights & Remedies Regarding Utility Services
New Utility Customer Forms
Natural Gas Service
The Everly Municipal Utilities offers Natural Gas to residents within Everly.
Natural gas is odorless in its natural state. We add a disagreeable smell to alert you if any gas should escape. Gas leaks can occur in faulty appliances, loose connections, gas service lines inside or outside, or from gas mains. Gas leaks can be dangerous and should be reported to the utility immediately.
If you smell gas, even if your house is not equipped with gas appliances, take the following precautions: Call City Hall at 712-834-2600, if the odor is strong, and indoors, go outside and call from a neighbor's house, do not turn electrical switches on or off, do not light matches, smoke or create any source of combustion.
The Everly Municipal Utilities offers its customers a budget billing plan. This plan allows your average utility usage to be spread over 12 months. By averaging your usage it prevents high bills in the winter and low bills in the summer, giving you a more predictable monthly bill. Contact City Hall to sign up for budget billing.
Need more information on how Budget Billing works? Learn more HERE.
The Everly Municipal water system began operations in 1921 with the first well and initial main lines and fire hydrants.
Since that time the system has undergone several expansions and upgrades. The water treatment plant and well in use today were put online in 1976. the latest upgrade occurred in 2001 and included a new 100 thousand-gallon elevated storage tank, looping of dead-end lines, additional fire hydrants, and a nitrate removal system.
Since the ion exchange, nitrate removal system went online in August of 2001 the nitrate level in the Everly drinking water has been, on average, 2.0 mg/l. The maximum level allowed by law is 10 mg/l. Additional treatment includes the addition of chlorine and fluoride. The utility also exercises valves and flushes fire hydrants on an annual schedule as part of the O&M plan to keep the system in good shape and the water quality far above mandated standards. In 2010, Everly Municipal Utilities began the engineering phase of replacing aging fire hydrants and looping the remaining dead-end lines in the system. As of July 2018, there are 3 fire hydrants left and a few dead-end lines to address.
2019 Everly Water Quality Report 2018 Everly Water Quality Report
2017 Everly Water Quality Report 2016 Everly Water Quality Report
2015 Everly Water Quality Report 2014 Everly Water Quality Report
2013 Everly Water Quality Report 2012 Everly Water Quality Report
2011 Everly Water Quality Report 2010 Everly Water Quality Report
2009 Everly Water Quality Report 2008 Everly Water Quality Report
The Everly Municipal Utilities has been fortunate enough to partner with community groups and service organizations to better the Everly community.